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Cavs Bundeswehr


Germany joins Common Armoured Vehicle System programme

Finland, Latvia, Sweden and Germany join forces

German defence suppliers DSL and KNDS to support Patria in development of new armoured personnel carrier

The Finnish land systems specialist Patria has teamed up with German defence suppliers DSL and KNDS to develop a new armoured personnel carrier for the German Army.

The new vehicle, known as the Common Armoured Vehicle System (CAVS), will replace the ageing TPz Fuchs armoured personnel carrier currently in service with the Bundeswehr.

The CAVS programme was originally established by Finland and Latvia, and later joined by Sweden. Germany is the fourth country to join the programme, and its participation will bring additional expertise and resources to the project.

The CAVS is a next-generation armoured personnel carrier that will be designed to meet the specific requirements of the German Army. The vehicle will be highly mobile, well-protected, and equipped with the latest in command and control systems.

The development of the CAVS is expected to take several years, and the first vehicles are scheduled to enter service with the Bundeswehr in the early 2030s.

The CAVS programme is a major milestone in the development of European defence cooperation. The vehicle will be a key part of the Bundeswehr's future armoured vehicle fleet, and its development will help to strengthen the defence capabilities of both Germany and its European partners.

